Apex is a direct Marketing company based in Hyderabad. As of now, Apex has 20 lakh customer base across India with this figure growing on a daily basis. All these 20 lakh + customers are offered a special income opportunity based on their individual and team monthly purchases. So, to get more monthly income, each and every apex customer will purchase from Apex Channel Partners only on a regular basis.
Every retailer wants the following:
Apex now provides a CHANNEL PARTNER opportunity for retailers and service providers, which will fulfil all the above requirements. This channel partner opportunity is exclusive per PINCODE area.
To become an Apex Channel Partner, one has to get thier website designed for just Rs1800 from our company. Once, the website is ready, the CHANNEL PARTNER is now ready to receive all the benefits. The channel partner will get the following:
Apex Channel Partners must arrange the following on their own:
1) Customer is tied up with Channel Partner FOREVER as loyal customer.
2) Channel Partner gets Rs.20 commission on getting a new customer.
3) The Channel Partner will get Rs 100,100,300 as Team Sales commission for every set of two customers becoming DME for Handbook on effects of radiation, Relive Handbook, ACP enrollment and ABC Kit respectively with a maximum earning potential of Rs 60000 per month.
4) These Apex DMEs makes purchases in any other APEX CHANNEL PARTNER outlets across India, even then, the Channel Partner gets profit as their purchases will add to the GPP of this particular Channel Partner.
We now request you to utilize this golden opportunity and join the Apex Family as a channel partner and increase your business.